Search Results for: center of the nation series

I covered quite a few miles this year. Let’s start with some stats:

I covered about 1,255 miles through running (and walking) this year.

I ran across 12 bridges: 

  • Golden Gate in San Francisco, CA
  • Arthur Ravenel Jr. in Charleston, SC
  • Verrazano Bridge from Staten Island to Brooklyn, NY
  • Williamsburg Bridge from Brooklyn to Manhattan, NY
  • Manhattan Bridge from Brooklyn to Manhattan, NY
  • Brooklyn Bridge from Brooklyn to Manhattan, NY
  • Madison Ave Bridge from The Bronx to Manhattan, NY
  • Queensboro Bridge from Queens to Manhattan, NY
  • Willis Ave Bridge from Manhattan to the Bronx, NY
  • Pulaski Bridge from Brooklyn to Queens, NY
  • Calhoun Street Bridge from Trenton, NJ to Morrisville, PA
  • Trenton Makes Bridge (Lower Trenton bridge) from Morrisville, PA to Trenton, NJ


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Don’t know what’s going on with me today but I just felt like the bottomless pit. I truly overate! Started and ended my day with a waffle. Yep….the clock struck midnight and I felt it appropriate to make it Midnight Munchies Monday. And of course the dog wanted to partake so he got his own munchy.

midnight munchies

midnight munchies

There was apple pie in the break room at work and I couldn’t resist…twice! (who eats 2 slices of pie before 11am?)

fruit for breakfast

fruit for breakfast

All I know is that there better be some will power for me under the tree this year. Well, Cyber Monday almost came and went without a single online purchase by me…..but……I’ve been eyeing this cool mini-trampoline for a half a second and when I saw it was 20% off with FREE shipping too I pulled the trigger.

fancy shmancy trampoline

fancy shmancy trampoline.

If you’re looking for me I’ll be bouncing on this thing in my living room all winter!

Now it’s time to share some link love. I happen to have 2 very good friends named Lisa…..There’s running Lisa and baking Lisa.

Running Lisa was just featured in this Wall Street Journal article about ultra running.


Cold and windy Montana….

Running Lisa and I met when we worked at the same company about 7 years ago. And then she inspired me to start running. If you’re new to this blog you can see how she inspired me in this video. In the article she talks about her most recent endeavor at the Center of the Nation Series. I was one of the friends who accompanied her on the trip but while she ran an entire full marathon each day for 5 days straight I ran 5 consecutive halfs. It was one of the best trips of my life. I posted a recap for each of the 5 days of the series. If you’re interested in reading more…

Center of the Nation Series Marathon/Half Marathon Day 1 North Dakota

Center of the Nation Series Marathon/Half Marathon Day 1 South Dakota

Center of the Nation Series Marathon/Half Marathon Day 1 Wyoming

Center of the Nation Series Marathon/Half Marathon Day 1 Montana

Center of the Nation Series Marathon/Half Marathon Day 1 Nebraska


The Rescue Baker!

The Rescue Baker! Cutest logo ever! I created it =)

Baker Lisa, otherwise known as The Rescue Baker, has been whipping up some amazing “Divine” holiday chocolatey treats while sharing the recipes and an exciting giveaway on her blog. I’ve tasted many of her desserts and she never disappoints.

Well now that it’s 1am, I’m going to try and go to bed. Tomorrow will be another hot date with the rowing machine at the gym. I’d like to say it’s because I’m getting excited about cross-training but in all honesty I hurt the bottom of my foot jumping down from my kitchen counter Sunday night and it’s very tender so I’m trying to keep my weight off it for a couple days. (note to self: 40 years old means it’s time to be smarter about jumping down from kitchen counters. If only I weren’t vertically challenged!)

Hope your week started off on the right (not tender or sore) foot!


Question: How do you deal with days when you just can’t get full? Do you just go with it? Anyone have a trampoline/rebounder? 

Today was my first run since getting home from the Center of the Nation series.

doodlebomb watch pic

doodlebomb watch pic

I’ve been basically following Hal Higdon’s novice marathon training plan (which I have used for my 3 other marathons) since July 4th to prepare for the NYC Marathon but knowing I was also planning to run the 5 consecutive half marathons I added in a few really long runs a bit earlier than the schedule called for so that I would get used to running on tired legs. I still have an 18 miler (gulp! tomorrow!) and a 20 miler to conquer in 2 weeks before the big day on 11/3.

Now here’s where I’m so confused. Thursday’s are supposed to be my tempo run. That means a hard effort but not all out race pace. Only problem is I’m not 100% sure what my race pace will be. I’m hoping to finish in 5 hours but it could be longer. Except that would mean my tempo runs should be in the 12 min/mile range and honestly that’s my long slow distance pace. I feel like my tempo pace hovers around 10:30 min/mile. But I know i can’t hold that pace or even faster for a full marathon. Sigh!

Anyway, I’ll have my last recap up shortly but just wanted to share a funny story. The other day I came home from work and got the dog where we intended to walk about 1 mile up the road to my car. I park there to catch the bus but coming home I get a different bus that drops me closer to my home. Anyway, as we’ve done numerous times we walked to the car. Then I discovered I forgot my car keys!!! So we just walked home. Duncan was SO confused!



And then to really get on the poor dog’s nerves I sent him in to the groomer for a haircut. But like a true dog he loves me unconditionally!

from shag to chic

from shag to chic

We took a walk at the park and found some nice graffiti…



And then we were off to chase squirrels. Happy Friday!

Question: Anyone have a good “I forgot my keys and now I locked out” story? Any good Inspirational messages?



It takes an art to pack for a trip. Add in 5 half marathons during that trip and you’ve got quite a challenge on your hands. Well, I think i did it…

a whole lotta running gear!

a whole lotta running gear!

dog toys stay home

dog toys stay home

I packed:

• Sleeping bag
• 2 towels
• 5 ziploc bags with an entire running outfit (alternate long sleeve shirt option per bag as well)
• 4 pairs of running sneakers
• Fuel, Garmin, handheld waterbottle/Body Glide
• 3 hats/3 visors
• Camera, iPad, chargers
• Rainjacket
• street clothes (jeans, sweatshirts, tshirts, undergarments)
• a gazillion toiletries and some liquid detergent
• a cooler bag
All I can say is try and get the air out wherever possible and sitting on your suitcase does really work!

Got any good tips for packing? Please do share!

Now onto my hot mess 6 miler. Seriously I might have been more of a hot mess than Honey Boo Boo. Wait! My blog isn’t even successful and my mom doesn’t even read it. Honey Boo Boo is making money and getting famous with her reality TV show. I guess I’m more of a hot mess! LOL!

watch photo with a doodle photobomb

watch photo with a doodle photobomb

I planned on running 8 miles. It’s my last run until half marathon #1 in North Dakota on Monday. Well, I ended up only doing 6 and walked a lot of it. It was in the upper 80s and really humid. I’d like to blame it all on the temperature but in reality I never really felt like I was in a groove. It was quite frustrating and I actually cried. Although in hindsight I think the tears flushed out the sweat that was stinging my eyes so bad.I honestly think I spent more time rubbing the sting outta my eyes than anything else. And what crack was I smoking that I opted to wear a black hat?!!!

black hat bad idea

black hat bad idea

I thought i was going to spontaneously combust. I felt like spaghetti in a pot of boiling water. My hands swelled too.



But I guess no matter how much of a hot mess you are you can always redeem yourself by matching your water bottle to your shirt…

matchy matchy

matchy matchy

Question? What do you do to prevent sweat and sunscreen from stinging your eyes? My visors and hats just don’t seem to work.

Also, I might not have much internet access over the next week so hang tight and I’ll recap the Center of the Nation series when I return.