Hi folks.
I’ve been staying at a friend’s house for the weekend keeping an eye on things…
Mostly furry things…a cat and 3 dogs plus Duncan is here with me which makes it 4 dogs and I can’t leave out Fishy Fish Fish who isn’t furry (and thankfully still alive).
When I arrived last night I got the ball rolling with dinner. It was almost a perfect success. But the little white guy Bailey needed a little coaxing by way of fresh turkey before he’d eat his dinner. Finally task 1 was complete.
I had packed myself dinner consisting of a big salad with a couple of hard boiled eggs and fresh turkey breast (which you now know i shared with the pooches). But then I had a hankering for something sweet. So I did what anyone would do when house-sititng, right?
I raided their cookie jar! Look, she even has a reminder sign there too about eating cookies! Don’t worry, I’m not in trouble. Funny thing was my friend didn’t even know she HAD cookies in her cookie jar. LOL!
This morning, after feeding Fishy Fish Fish (named by a 3 year old) and the dogs I went out for a bike ride.
I reached my highest mileage to date and it was my fastest too. RunKeeper congratulated me!
When I first got injured and started biking, my goal was to get to 30 miles. I still want to hit 30 and hopefully 30+ but i’m officially back to running on Tuesday and I’ll need to focus on getting some long slow runs in before the SF Marathon but I’m still keeping that goal out there for me to reach soon enough. And trust me, this is all good! I’m so happy to be getting ready to return to running but still WANTING to bike long. YAY for expanding my Sweat Out the Small Stuff repertoire.
So now i’m blogging while Duncan supervises as usual.
The other furr kids are
supervising napping too.
Hope you all had a lovely weekend. I’ve got a short week. Only working Monday-Wednesday. Anyone else have some days off this week for Independence Day? Do you like fireworks?
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