Hey yo,
So it’s Easter Sunday and while I’m not Catholic (or religious at all) I did pull out my token bunny ears for the Instagram op. Duncan indulged me and let me put the bunny ears and a bunny tail on him too though he was none too pleased.
Both Mr. SOTSS and I ran 8 milers today and afterward while walking in the park with the dogs he said “we both went to church today….running is our church.” Yep, he pegged it! Running is my religion, it is where I go to sweat out the anxiety and crapola that builds up throughout the day. It’s where I clear my head, meditate, and feel fulfilled (even the crappy runs). It was a really great long run too.
I didn’t slog through this one which felt good after a couple of really difficult long runs.
I don’t know if I’ve ever told you how stubborn I can be. I hate to make multiple trips so I tried to carry all of my grocery bags out of the car and into the house in one shot. Well, I dropped a bag and lucky me….it had the eggs! There were some casualties but I saved 7 of the dozen.
Tomorrow I’m headed back to the city for the last 3 days of this latest freelance gig. The office is in the Time Life building which is right across the street from Radio City Music Hall. Being on the 31st floor sure does make those yellow taxi cabs looks like Matchbox cars.

among all the concrete and skyscrapers there are always sprinkles color. Sometimes pretty pink tulips, sometimes just a pretty yellow taxi cab. Sometimes both!
Just one or two more short runs and then I’m headed down to DC next weekend for the Cherry Blossom 10-Miler. So excited! The only part that stinks is that Mr. SOTSS is going on a family vacation tomorrow and when he gets back I’ll be in DC so we won’t get to see each other for at least a week! He’s cool with it….I’m a mess. LOL. Guys are just so darn practical.
Well, I’d better tuck myself in. Hope you all had a lovely weekend.
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