Hey ho!
Yesterday was my 3 year Blogaversary!
I’m still enjoying the process as much as I did while writing my very first post. Here’s what I said when Sweat Out The Small Stuff turned 1 and when it turned 2.
I was so tired yesterday. I think the busy weekend took it’s toll on me. After my long run Friday night, I continued to have a busy weekend. My niece turned 16 last month and we had a day in the city planned to celebrate on Saturday. Her request was taking a walk on the High Line. I hadn’t ever been so I was super excited about the suggestion.

We entered on 20th street which was sort of in the middle but eventually made our way along the entire stretch
The best part of the day was just getting that one-on-one time to chat. I love that I can talk to her about things in my life that I might have considered too adult for her just a few years ago. And I can really appreciate listening to her talk about the trials and tribulations of high school. I remember those days. Plus wwe got some sweet snacks too.
Sunday is mostly pictureless but it started with taking Duncan to the park.
I wanted to run a few miles but he gave me the guilt face and I only had time for one of the two activities because I had brunch plans with my friend Sue and her cousin and then had to hightail it out to New Jersey to see Mr. SOTSS’ daughter’s dance recital (which was adorable!)
Last night after work I ran 4 miles. The weather was perfection….70 degrees and breezy. But I had the worst side stitch ever for the first 3 miles. Probably because my dinner hadn’t really been digested yet.
And then Duncan entertained me with his paper towel shredding.
And then he passed out…
Have a great day!
Happy Blogaversary, Sally!
thank you!
To answer your questions: I LOVE all things ice cream, so yes, I like ice cream sandwiches!
No, I do not like to run in the evenings. It’s too busy in our house with dinner, dishes, homework, Tae Kwon Do 3x/week for my son, showers, and some semblance of adult time. I’m an early morning runner/exerciser!
Finally, yes, I am a regular reader of your blog, but I don’t remember when I started reading. Happy blogaversary!
Thanks! I envy that you’re an early morning runner. I still struggle with getting out the door for morning runs.
Loveee the High Line! Always had a good time walking that when I was in NYC. 🙂 Happy blogaversary!!
Thanks! Hope you’re crushin’ Grandma’s Marathon right now!
I love ice cream cookie sandwiches too much! Yours looks scrumptious. Happy Happy blogaversary. Keep them coming! :)))
Thank you Cathy!