OK. Confession. I went for a run last night after I said I was giving myself another week before I would get back to it. Yesterday marked 10 days since running the New Jersey Marathon. It was a GORGEOUS Spring evening.
i had just walked with Duncan around the neighborhood for a half hour.

There are big barking dogs in the yards of the houses on this street so he always makes me walk in the street for this block. He’s prefers to be far away from those loud dogs.
It was also the first day nothing hurt. My hip felt good, my ankle felt good, my knee felt good. So I made a last minute decision to just go run a little bit. I’m so happy with my decision. It was the free-est 2 miles ever:
• No Garmin
• No Hat
• No KT Tape
• No music
• No time goals
I came home, stretched, foam rolled and then had the last glass of wine from the bottle I started on Monday. 🙂
I woke up this morning feeling good. I’m still going to lay low in the running department though. Maybe wait until the weekend to run again. I’ll see how I feel. But for now, those 2 miles put me in a good mood and i can carry along today.
Do you do most of your running (or any exercise) by a watch?
Do you like wine? If so, red or white?
Do you have trees in full bloom where you are?
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