I’ve noticed lately that I’ve been all lovey dovey here…
First it was the heart shaped donut that I fell for.
Then came my romance with the treadmill
And I’m always in love with my main squeeze-best friend-puppy-doodleface:
But today I bought myself some candy and flowers at Whole Foods on my lunch break (along with some dog treats for Duncan to spread the love and some other good eats for me too!
Must be something about February..Anyway, moving on…after ordering prints, buying frames and finally painstakingly filling the frames to cover off on all my friends and family (of course I forgot to include Gina and Cindy! Sorry guys, you’ll go in the album that’s going to sit on my coffee table)…I hung them all!

The window pane style ones went in the corner of the living room (stacked) by my great big oversized chair
And the small frames went on shelves that I painted the same color as the wall and hung above my TV.
I was on such a roll hanging things back up (post having the house painted) that I went up to my office and finally put back my running bling….
The office that used to be my full-time office when I worked from home. I miss spending most days in here. Sigh!
It was quite the accomplishment. This morning Duncan decided he was too short so he wanted to walk up on higher ground. I guess it was his Great Dane complex coming through…
It’s been rough for him now that the snow has frozen over. He slips and slides isn’t really enjoying it like he did when it was all fluffy and powdery. For breakfast this morning I took a non-traditional approach:

avocado, multigrain tortilla chips and an apple
While I walked to Whole Foods at lunch I passed by one of my favorite places. =) My friends used to call me Mustang as a nickname.
OK enough randomness. Have a great weekend everyone! I’ve got a 10 mile long training run to complete and while love is in the air I’m going to get cozy on the couch with my foam roller to work on some tight areas.
Question: What’s on tap for your weekend? Anyone have any big races? Family events?
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