So apparently 11 days without running caused a little concern for Runkeeper:

Runkeeper misses me!

Runkeeper misses me!

Well, I didn’t want them to worry so I went for a run today.


It was chilly so I put on my new nike long sleeve half zip shirt that was a birthday gift. I love ripping off tags and wearing something for the first time. I also love thumb holes!

ready to run!

ready to run! (please excuse that mess).

What a great run! I kept an average pace of 9:32. I remember when I started running 5 miles would take me an hour or even a little longer (12:00 pace). So to complete 5 miles in 48 minutes feels really good! I spent the first few miles thinking about my goals for 2014 and what races I would sign up for. I have one full marathon planned at the end of April. My goal is going to be to PR. I have to clock in under 4:48. I’m going to train for a 4:40 finish which is a 10:40 average pace. I know it’s doable. I am going to make sure I really focus on speed work and tempos and try and get a 22 miler into training instead of stopping at 20. It feels good to have a goal to work toward. I spent the last couple of miles thinking about how I could get a 5k completed before the year is out. I need to find a local event. I still have yet to do a 5k that was timed (I ran the Tunnel 2 Towers 5K in September but it wasn’t timed). And with PRs in all the other distances this year (full, half and 10k) I’d love to complete a 5k (automatic PR for my first right?) So I can call 2013 the year of the PR.

Maybe it was being reunited with the runner’s high endorphins that I haven’t felt in almost 2 weeks, or the sunshine on my face but I felt so alive today. Mentally alive.

Running awakens the sole!

Running awakens the sole!

Yesterday was Globally Organized Hug A Runner Day. I made my boss hug me when I got to work. He’s a trooper!

photo 1

Speaking of yesterday I discovered the most amazing Mike and Ikes



I could have eaten the whole box but brought it to a meeting and shared with some coworkers.

Tomorrow I’m attending a fundraising Gala for a local pet rescue. It’s called the Blue Gala and everyone has to wear blue. I’m excited because I have a great navy blue sparkly dress that I will wear. It’s going to be the 3rd time wearing the dress this year and since I got it on sale for $79 to begin with that breaks down to $26.33 per wear! =)

Question: What’s your favorite candy? What are your goals for 2014

P.S. here are a few cute pics from the Trenton Half 2 weeks ago. I’m on the fence whether to shell out the cash for them. It’s getting out of hand! Especially if I keep running so many races each year…


  1. I love your new Nike shirt!! You look good in blue, so this gala should be awesome for you! =)

    I took off nearly a week after Trenton and that 3miler was AMAZING! I’ve only run 3 times since that race, the last of which being tonight. All have been great, but I’m also loving a little time off. Makes you appreciate running more. And of course, gives you time to think. 2013 was the year of PRs for me too… So far. Let’s do it again in 2014!

  2. You should definitely spring for the waving photo because a mid-race photo that good is VERY impressive. Even when I do actually see the photog on the course, I can barely throw them a smile in time, let alone a wave 😉

    2014 goals: Spring- first marathon ever. Fall- NYC marathon! I’m really looking forward to training for a new distance!

    • ooh exciting! you’ll be guaranteed a marathon PR this spring! I’m most probably going to be a spectator for the NYC Marathon in 2014. I can’t wait to give back. The crowds are what pulled me through for sure.

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