Hi! Great news to share.
First, the shoulder: Not bad…I have “regions of interstitial and articular surface partial thickness tears involving the mid to distal supraspinatus and rotator cuff tendonitis. I also have arthritis and a type 2 accordion. Sounds intense but actually it’s pretty good. Physical therapy should be all I need. YAY!
And for the knee: Dr. Williams (my new favorite person) said I should keep running as far as I can handle and that taking a month off actually made my knee worse. I have Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome otherwise known as Runner’s Knee. Basically there is scar tissue around the knee and a tight quad muscle that are causing knee tracking issues. By taking a whole month off of all activity I essentially ended up with tighter, stiffer muscles and more scar tissue. Doc is using the Active Release Technique (ART) on me for about 4 treatments. OUCH! Hurts so good I suppose =)He did the first one today. He said I should continue to foam roll and stretch but to do it before I run and not after. Interesting because I was always under the assumption that after was better.

Foam roll between the Vastus Medialis and Rectus Femoris and between the Rectus Femoris and Vastus Lateralis
The last words Dr. Williams said to me were “keep running as much as you can tolerate and we’ll work at getting your mileage up. You should be good in about 3 or 4 treatments.” So I’ll head back for more ART on Friday. And I’m going to start back to short runs this week! Oh happy day!!!!!
Yes, been to chiropractor.,,always helped me…and I thought I mentioned exercising the muscles that surround the knee…,or maybe I thought I mentioned it..,so glad you are getting good help…finally..,,I couldn’t even imagine you NOT ever running again….yay
Yes, been to chiropractor.,,always helped me…and I thought I mentioned exercising the muscles that surround the knee…,or maybe I thought I mentioned it..,so glad you are getting good help…finally..,,I couldn’t even imagine you NOT ever running again….yay
I’ll be going for therapy for my right arm…I fell at cold feat and hurt my right arm, I can’t lift it…going to Fusion…recommended by Mike ..they take my. Empire Blue Cross/Blue Shield
Hooray for good news! I’m glad you’re getting those injuries taken care of – it’s no fun at all being held back from what you want to do.
Awesome news!! So glad you can’t start running again and building up the miles. Never been to a Chiropractor but I do go to a Physic and he is fantastic. Has helped me rehab my knee after an ACL reconstruction. Now less that 12 months since the op and I’m 5 weeks out from my first marathon. Excited and nervous and have read your related posts on marathons.
Good luck with runs and I look forward to reading how you go.
Yay for good news!
Just found your blog! Dealing with injuries is so difficult, but the days when you get good news sure help a lot. I just helped my sister train for her first marathon – which she successfully completed last weekend – and her chiropractor was a HUGE help in keeping her relatively pain-free and able to train.
Yay! Thanks for dropping by…Congrats to your sis! HUGE accomplishment. I tried running a couple of miles today and at 2 miles had to stop. Knee is sore. Looking forward to my next few chiro treatments.
Active Release Therapy (ART) is what keeps me running and keeps my high hamstring tendinopathy manageable. Even now when it has been behaving (fingers crossed that it stays that way!) I go for ART maintenance ‘tune-ups’. Really believe that it’s been hugely helpful for me and I hope you find it the same.
Isn’t it the absolute best when they tell you it’s ok to keep running?! The chiropractor I go to says ‘Motion is Lotion’ and if it’s discomfort rather than true pain,I can keep on at it. I’d suggest starting out with short runs though – sometimes the pain doesn’t present itself until the next day when we have a recurring injury. Best to ease into it, than to overdo it and really have to stop for an extended time. Best of luck with the knee and the shoulder. Think how strong you’ll be after the PT and the ART! :o)
ART is the best! A bit expensive, but I’m sure it’ll help you out big time. Back in September, I strained my hip flexor and, although it wasn’t a serious injury, I reached the point where I just couldn’t run anymore. My left leg (the good one) would become so stiff from overcompensating. It was a nightmare. I started seeing a chiropractor and do ART once a week. Not even two months and I was able to run NYCM pain free and get a huge PR! You’ll be ok. See you in NJ!
I know. I have a $60 copay per visit. But running again is so worth it! YAY see you in NJ. I have no idea what that day will look like for me but it’s my favorite race to run.
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