Hi there. If you follow me on Instagram you know I have been on a road trip to North Carolina.
I drove down from NYC with Duncan last week. We left on Wednesday and after 6 hours (of total driving time including stops) we checked in to a pet friendly hotel in Richmond, Virginia and then on Thursday morning we continued another 5 hours to North Carolina.
My friend Sue (of 16 years) who used to live on Staten Island, moved first to an area of New York outside the city that was about an hour and a half away but this past summer her and her hubby and their dog Lucy (Duncan’s girlfriend) moved down to North Carolina. I wanted to make a trip down to visit with Duncan of course so he could hang too and since he’s too big to fly in the cabin of a plane, road trip it was!
Since there was so much “noise” going on in the world the day after the election I was really thrilled to be in my car with my dog as my copilot listening to an audiobook. I picked an old Chelsea Handler book called “Are you there Vodka? It’s me Chelsea”. I just needed a break from reality. I am not about to talk politics on my blog but just seeing friends and family on Facebook being outright mean and forceful with their views left me feeling disappointed in everyone. My stance has always been if you don’t have something nice to say just don’t say anything.
Driving with Duncan is fairly easy. He lays down most of the time.
Every so often he gets a bit antsy and sits up and licks his lips which is usually when I’ll find a rest area for a quick 10 minute break.
While we were down there I got to go for a run and scope out the neighborhood.
We also went to this fun dog agility event yesterday. Lots of border collies, shelties and shetland sheepdogs. We saw sheep being herded by border collies.
We also saw “ultimate air dog” where dogs ran and jumped into a pool of water to retrieve their toy. They were measured by how far they jumped.
And then there were some traditional agility courses with tunnels, jumps, a see-saw and weaving poles.
It was the perfect day. 50 degrees and sunny, smart dogs doing fun things and kettle corn all with the company of one of my dearest friends.
We started the drive home this afternoon and made it to our hotel in Harrisonburg, Virginia just before the sun set. Even caught a glimpse of tonight’s “supermoon.”
So now we’ll relax until the early morn, when we’ll pile back in the car for the final leg of our journey.
I’m grateful that I was able to escape for a few days and to take my work along with me. Freelance life has its pluses for sure. And I’m really grateful for the time Sue and I got to spend. Sure, there’s text and email and even FaceTime but nothing replaces the face to face conversation. Susan’s a great listener too.
I hope you’ve all had a lovely weekend.
What’s the farthest distance you’ve ever driven?
Have you ever been to North Carolina?
Hmmm….I am not a “road trip” kind of girl. I don’t like to ride for more than 5 hours at a time, even if I’m not the one driving (although I usually am). Off the top of my head, the longest trip I can remember is the distance from college (Auburn University in Auburn, AL) to my hometown of Summerville, SC, (a suburb of Charleston, SC) for my four years of undergrad. I am from South Carolina, so I have been to North Carolina many times, and my favorite aunt and uncle recently moved to Charlotte, so I have been even more in the last year!
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