Overwhelmed lately. I feel like a broken record. I literally complained to Mr. SOTSS for an hour (or more) last night and feel like a terrible girlfriend for doing so. He’s so good at listening to me vent but I truly felt like I was just bringing him down. I’m not a New Year’s resolution kind of person but I do think I need to work on the complaining thing. It’s not fair. He’s got his own ish to deal with. Every year it happens. The holidays feel like they are being squished into a super busy month and I have to work hard to find the time to get it (whatever it stands for) all done and enjoy the process.

This happened tonight! Duncan and Chester made snow in my living room.

This happened during Mr. SOTSS’ visit! Duncan and Chester made snow in my living room. It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas….

So anyway, here it is Wednesday already (it just turned midnight and yes, I changed my post title from “Weekend Wrap-Up on Tuesday” to “Weekend Wrap-up on Wednesday” literally moments ago) and I’m just getting some time to catch you up on the rest of my Thanksgiving weekend.

After spending my Black Friday outdoors and enjoying some fresh air with Duncan, Saturday morning Duncan and I were on the road before 6am to drive down to Princeton, NJ for the Run around Princeton Running Festival. Run Around Princeton ((RAP)) was holding this event to raise money for a local Girls on the Run organization that one of the RAP runners is a coach for. 


A 5k loop was mapped out from one of the runner’s houses through the neighborhood and back. You could run just one loop or multiple loops to complete any distance from 5k up to 50k! There were about 35 runners who participated and in total we raised almost $2,000.

12314068_10153123906732121_2579198420794089800_nDuncan and I ran just one 5k but 4 of the runners completed the full 50k! And may I say how proud I am of Duncan. He kept an 11 min pace! 

Doodle's first 5k (I forgot to start my watch until about 1/10 of a mile in.

Doodle’s first 5k (I forgot to start my watch until about 1/10 of a mile in.


The ladies in the black shirts were two of the 50k-ers!


There were so many squirrels in the neighborhood which gave Duncan the push to keep going.

And I even got a Girls on the Run car magnet which of course I was giddy over. Never knew I’d be so excited about car magnets.

FullSizeRender 2I left there around 9am and headed straight to Mr SOTSS’ house. I was joining him and his family for a Rutgers University football game. I’d never been to a college football game before. It was a bit drizzly out and the game sure was a roller coaster ride. They had a huge lead that eventually got smaller and smaller and in the end they lost 46/41. Oh well. Can’t win em all 🙂

IMG_9543Next up was Mr. SOTSS’ oldest daughter’s swim meet where she did a 400 meter freestyle event and then we grabbed a bite for dinner before I finally pooped out had to say goodbye. It was a long day!

Duncan and I had another busy day on Sunday. We took a road trip Upstate New York to visit my friend Nicole who recently moved there. It was nice to catch up and lounge around for the afternoon sipping wine, playing with her daughter, visiting with some other mutual friends, and enjoying the relaxation. And the gods were with me because I didn’t hit any traffic in either direction!

Sunday funday

Sunday funday and that’s homemade wine!

Duncan and Cody napping

Duncan and Cody napping

Lots of dog loving people!

Lots of dog loving people!

Nicole and I met through Duncan when he was just 6 months old. She owns the pet sitting company that walks Duncan when I'm at work.

Nicole and I met through Duncan when he was just 6 months old. She owns the pet sitting company that walks Duncan when I’m at work. Funny that Nicole and Duncan have their more serious model pose =)

Brunette curlies X3

Brunette curlies X3

So now you’re caught up. And before you know it I’ll be recapping my next weekend. Dear universe: please can we slow things down! I want to relish a bit in the holiday season. I want to feel excited to decorate my tree and listen to some warm fuzzy music. Mmmkay thanks for listening.

Are you in the holiday spirit?

Are you feeling rushed these days?

How do yo make sure you give proper time and attention to the spirit of the holidays season?

Any traditions?



  1. haha I just put up a post that I started on Wednesday. I am definitely feeling rushed this week, and I’m a little bummed because I finally gave up on trying to find somewhere to put our Christmas tree this year. There’s just no space in this construction zone, but the house just doesn’t feel as festive without it.

    Hooray for Duncan’s first 5k! Did he love it?

  2. Hi, what kind of garmin do you have and where did you get the ornament, “may all your miles be merry”? Love both! Thanks

    • Hi Betsy. The gift came from etsy. If you google “may all your miles be merry ornament” you can find it. I think it’s like $15. My current Garmin is the 25. I love it so far. I have the 10 which is good too but the 25 has a longer battery life and also tracks steps and cadence.

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