Never thought today would be the Friday I decided to coin this post title. You see, this morning I had to go in for an ambulatory surgical procedure. Let’s just say something needed to be removed because it didn’t belong. I had been anxious about this date for weeks now. Not so much because I was nervous about being in pain but I was afraid the doc would restrict my running for at least the next few days. 🙂 Just before the anesthesiologist sent me to LaLaLand, I said “So wait, can I run tomorrow? Like 6-10 miles? I’m scheduled to meet my friends and I don’t want to bail.” He smiled and said absolutely, as long as you take it easy today.” Whew!
Everything went well and I was wheeled out still a bit dopey (I actually felt drunk). My good friend knew I was starving since I couldn’t eat anything in the morning so he took me to IHOP (I was just there yesterday! No prob, I can take one for the team and eat pancakes again!)
I was actually shocked at how good I felt so I pushed it and asked if we could go take a look in IKEA. Glad it worked out because I scored!
I got a new night table for my bedroom and a new bookcase for my living room. I relaxed the rest of today and slowly assembled both pieces.

Billy on the left and Hemnes on the right. My favorite part of Ikea is the names of the furniture pieces
So, yes, I feel good! It’s officially FGF!
Tomorrow as I said, I’m meeting some of my running peeps for a run in the city. They’re doing about 11ish but I figured I shouldn’t push it so I’m jumping in around mile 5. That’ll give me 6 which I think is a good compromise.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Question: Superbowl? Do you care? Not so much? Are you in a football pool? Interested in the commercials? Going anywhere? What’s the menu gonna be?
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