Hi there.
I can’t believe it’s Monday already. I had a super fun weekend which I’ll tell you about and then I’ll tell you about a few decisions I made.
Friday night after work I went to my new favorite tow path by the office for a run. I was feeling really sluggish and sore (have I mentioned that my SI joints have been stiff the last few runs?) and took it super slow.
I even walked a lot during the last couple of miles. It was the first time I listened to a podcast while running instead of tunes. I started listening to podcasts in the car when I’m commuting and figured I’d try it out while running. It was kinda cool so I will definitely do that again.

Couldn’t imagine running to either of these destinations but it’s cool to think you could theoretically 🙂
Saturday, I did my usual stuff: took Duncan to the park early, did some house cleaning, shopping and then I drove to meet up with Mr. SOTSS and his girls. We saw Finding Dory which was adorable.

There was popcorn and candy but i didn’t snap a picture. Half of my Reese’s Pieces fell on the floor which I’m still grieving over…
Sunday morning, we all ran the Girls on the Run 5k.
I love, love love spending time with Mr. SOTSS’ and his girls but when the fun is a 5k it makes things even better! It was super hot so we took it easy. I enjoyed the one-on-one time I had with J, Mr. SOTSS’ newly crowned teenager.
I have only known her for a little over a year and a half but it’s amazing how much she’s grown in that short time (in height and in maturity). I enjoyed listening to her 7th grade life stories as we ran the miles. We finished in about 41 minutes and then met up with the other half. Mr. SOTSS and his other daughter K finished in about 35 or 36 minutes I think.
Then it was home to shower quick and head over to my brother’s house for a Father’s day BBQ/birthday celebration for my newphew who turned 18!
With no races until October, I’ve made a few decisions for the summer. I’ve gained a few pounds in the last few months and I’m feeling physically and emotionally weighed down by it lately. So I’m going to try super hard to clean up my eating habits and try and lose 7-10 pounds by Labor Day and I’m also going to scale back a bit on my running and try and do more non running things. My body needs a change for a bit. I’m hoping that I’ll do some more biking and walking. And I’m going to try and find some way to stick with a strength workout each week too. Yesterday I did a baseline on planks and pushups. Well I could only do 1 pushup and hold a plank for 30 seconds. Hard to remember the days when I could hold a plank for 2 minutes or bust out 10 pushups. So now that I’ve put this out there I’m hoping it’ll help me stick to it. I’ll report back maybe at the halfway point or maybe just at the beginning of September.
Well, my lunch hour is almost up so I’ve gotta wrap this up.
Hope you all had a great weekend and that your week is off to a good start!
Do you like to tell the world when you make plans to try and change a bad habit or lose weight or shoot for a PR or do you like to keep it to yourself?
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