Today I’m going to recap my Mt. Snow ski weekend in Vermont and tell you about my healthy car snack options. I’m recapping everything but races lately and I’m quite ok with that. =)

I’ve got races coming up in March, April and May so indulge me for the next few weeks with these recreational winter fun posts =)

Friday morning Mr SOTSS and I headed up to Vermont with a quick stop to drop off Duncan at my friend Nicole’s house. 

doesn't matter if it's 1 hour or 6 hours. He just lays on my lap the entire time

doesn’t matter if it’s 1 hour or 6 hours. He just lays on my lap the entire time

napping in the car

napping in the car

Waiting for us to pack up the truck

Waiting for us to pack up the truck

This ski weekend was a gift from Mr SOTSS for Christmas. He gave the same gift last year only we chose a different bed and breakfast this year. I love traveling, especially road trips. There’s something so enjoyable about spending the long hours in the car listening to tunes and talking about so many things we never seem to get to talk about normally. Road trips aren’t complete without snacks because, let’s face it, I can get really cranky if I don’t have access to food. Usually I make poor choices for snacking when traveling but I had just been online reading about healthy snacks at and then saw this cool “snack hack”:

nuts_new_year_snack_hack_v02I was so inspired that I packed up some healthy stuff like apples, almonds and cranberries, a granola bar and some pretzels.

unsweetened applesauce, apples, raw almonds and dried cranberries, pretzels, and fruit and nut bar

unsweetened applesauce, apples, raw almonds and dried cranberries, pretzels, and fruit and nut bar

As we approached Vermont it started to snow. It was exactly the way it should be when you’re driving up for a ski weekend. So picturesque!

Welcome to Vermont

Welcome to Vermont

We checked in to the bed and breakfast just before sunset and I forced Mr. SOTSS to take some pictures of me for the blog. He is so tolerant.

me and the sign

Welcome Weary Travelers. HA!


Me and the sign and the actual inn

After dropping our bags in the room we went out for dinner and then returned to the room and started a fire to warm up. 


Saturday morning we went downstairs for breakfast. The innkeeper makes homemade baked goods each day.

cinnamon apple crumb cake

cinnamon almond crumb cake

Now we were fueled for a day of skiing (and snowboarding for Mr. SOTSS), so off we went up to Mt Snow. It was much warmer this year than it was last year. It was in the 20s vs last year where it was -1!

Our chins got to make an appearance since it was warmer

Our chins got to make an appearance since it was warmer

We made a promise to each other to keep doing this even as we get older. It will most definitely be harder but we enjoy it so much. We both just love the outdoors so much. 

so picturesque

so picturesque

me at the summit

me at the summit

Mr. SOTSS at the summit

Mr. SOTSS at the summit

My classic 25 year old skis. I refuse to get rid of them.

My classic 25 year old skis. I refuse to get rid of them.

We managed about 5 runs down the mountain before lunch and then a few more after lunch. I actually stopped about an hour before Mr. SOTSS because my muscles were taxed and I was getting sloppy. I fell once on my last run and just decided it was time to call it a day. If you know me you know that I take pride in NEVER falling. Last year I didn’t fall at all (on skis at least—we all know about my snowmobile accident).



My long shadow

My long shadow

Waiting at the lift

Waiting at the lift

Breathtaking views

Breathtaking views

here i come

here i come

there i go

there i go

Mr. SOTSS took a few more runs and then we headed back to the room to get ready for dinner.

IMG_0859 snowboardingWe literally walked across the street for dinner and drinks and then retired back to the room to enjoy another fire. 


checking in to see how his girls and his dog Chester were doing. My guess the answer was “cuddling”.

Hard cider in mason jars

Hard cider in mason jars

I got a few updates on Duncan and Nicole sent me pics. Clearly he was comfy on that chair and in good company with his pals Cody and Biggie.

Cody and Duncan

Cody and Duncan

Duncan and Biggie

Duncan and Biggie

On Sunday we went to a public trail system to try out our snow shoes again.


We only covered 3 of the 300 miles!

We only covered 3 of the 300 miles!

IMG_0150It sure is a workout! The trail was so pretty and quiet. We only saw 2 other people the entire time.


I wasn’t really sure what to do here. But eventually I just bypassed the step



IMG_0904 IMG_0895 IMG_0907 IMG_0908 After an hour or so we were ready to wrap up and get back on the road to pick up the pooches and head home. Of course we passed this cute little coffee and cider donut drive through and had to stop.


There was a man in a bear costume (you can barely see him at the left of this pic.) waving to the oncoming traffic. Best advertising tactic because it worked.


fresh out of the oven!

fresh out of the oven!

So much for healthy snacks in the car on the return trip. Lol. Hey, nobody’s perfect.

Do you like road trips?

What’s your favorite healthy snack?

What’s your favorite not so healthy snack?

Do you like winter sports?

How was your weekend?


  1. i love road trips for some of the same reasons. sometimes being in the car of a long time you end up talking about stuff you for some reason dont when at home. you got some beautiful scenery pictures, looks like you guys had a fantastic time!

  2. I like road trips that are around 4 hours. After 5 hours, I start to get cranky (and tired of sitting)! My favorite not so healthy snack is donuts! As a Southern girl, I hate all.things.cold. So, I do not like winter sports!

  3. Omg! We had that donut on the way home as well! Amazing!!! Loved reading your blog- very impressed w how many runs you did! I’m still learning to snowboard and each run takes me about 40 minutes!!! Would live to hear where you accessed that trail.

    • Snowboarding is hard work! I don’t know that I’d ever get down the mountain. LOL! I’ll email you the trail head info. It’s only 10-15 minutes from Mt. Snow.

  4. Road trips are fun! Though our cross country move/road trip a few years ago got a little on the long side (32 days)!

    I am such a total snack food addict. I’m a big trail mix fan, dried fruit, nuts, pretzels, chips…I could go on.

  5. This makes me miss Upstate NY and Vermont so much. I’m okay with driving about 5 hours daily. When I moved across the country, I loved just stopping at various towns and states for the day and exploring. It was a nice 5 hour drive but also enjoying the views too.

  6. Your dog is so cute! It sounds like you had a great time – love the pics!

  7. Pingback: A really good run -

  8. Pingback: Another Memorable Winter Vermont Weekend -

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