A second Saturday post because I wanted to throw Mother Nature under the bus. She is apparently having some sort of emotional turmoil (or that could be me) and decided today it should be 60 degrees and sunny but STILL super windy. 22mph sustained with gusts up to 31. I’ve officially decided wind is my least favorite running condition. I’ll take snow and rain first. And how will I remember to dress for temps in the 20s tomorrow? I guess this is Spring and fluctuating temps is to be expected. But it feels good to be a bit melodramatic about the weather =)

photo 2

i’ve got one unruly purple hair…oh wait that’s the wire from my ear bud.

photo 3

no ankle pain for the win at least

I could have stayed on the couch watching yoga on the TV all day, so I should be proud that I ran despite the wind making me feel like I couldn’t keep a decent pace at all. Not sure if I’ve clearly explained how I despise the wind.

photo 1

watching it isn’t so bad. maybe, eventually i’ll try it and maybe i’ll even like it?

photo 4

and here is what my downward dog was doing while I was watching yoga

So what’s your least favorite weather condition?


  1. Totally wind! Uggggg

  2. Wind sucks! It kept blowing out my ear buds, I couldn’t even listen to my book! =(

  3. I hate running in downpours! At least if there is wind, at SOME point it should be at your back. Running with rivulets down your face: no, thank you!

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