Hi guys. Happy Thursday (or possibly Friday for some of you folks across the pond!).
I ran a little over 2 miles this morning…still enjoying the pain-free, no aches, no tightness in the peroneal tendons or muscles miles. I even stretched and foam rolled right afterward. I’m starting to better understand what baby steps mean when returning from an injury. =)
Duncan is stretching his legs too!
On Tuesday night the majority of my Ragnar Napa Valley relay team met for dinner at a cool German bar in the city called Reichenbach Hall, to go over some logistics of the race and figure some things out. Lisa is our captain and had the Ragnar “bible” which is basically everything you need to know about the course and the rules of the race in one big book. We’re pretty familiar since we’ve done a bunch already. But it’s always good to review.

German bar meant pretzel and split pea soup for dinner. I also had the Wild Raspberry Jam cocktail. Winning!
We discussed the pros and cons of each runner running 6 individual legs or 3 back-to-back double legs. It looks like we all netted out on the 6 individual legs. Basically it will keep each leg more manageable. So while we each might be covering 30 or more miles over the course of the 2 day event there won’t be so many double digit legs. (the entire course length is 205 miles!) For example: my legs will each range between 3 and 6 miles totaling 29.5 for the whole race. And then there was discussion of all the logistics as we all arrive coming in on different flights and then we’ll have to rent the van etc. etc. These relays take lots of planning. But they usually create some epic memories. =)
Speaking of figuring things out. I finally figured out how my boss keeps his pants from getting grease on them or getting caught in the chain of his bike. (he bikes in to work during the warmer months).
And I also figured out where Duncan’s water bowl could fit in the Subaru.
I’m really getting into the Ragnar Relay headspace which is great because it’s helping me to get that post up for you all with tips and such. I’ll try and get that up before the weekend.
So does anyone have an exciting weekend lined up? Anyone have an overnight relay like Ragnar or Hood to Coast coming up?
I have a Ragnar–Reach the Beach in September. It is so much fun!
Exciting! We’ll have to compare notes when we’re done. Thanks for the dog/car compliments yesterday too =) I won’t tell Duncan as it’ll go right to his head. lol!