So apparently 11 days without running caused a little concern for Runkeeper:
Well, I didn’t want them to worry so I went for a run today.
It was chilly so I put on my new nike long sleeve half zip shirt that was a birthday gift. I love ripping off tags and wearing something for the first time. I also love thumb holes!
What a great run! I kept an average pace of 9:32. I remember when I started running 5 miles would take me an hour or even a little longer (12:00 pace). So to complete 5 miles in 48 minutes feels really good! I spent the first few miles thinking about my goals for 2014 and what races I would sign up for. I have one full marathon planned at the end of April. My goal is going to be to PR. I have to clock in under 4:48. I’m going to train for a 4:40 finish which is a 10:40 average pace. I know it’s doable. I am going to make sure I really focus on speed work and tempos and try and get a 22 miler into training instead of stopping at 20. It feels good to have a goal to work toward. I spent the last couple of miles thinking about how I could get a 5k completed before the year is out. I need to find a local event. I still have yet to do a 5k that was timed (I ran the Tunnel 2 Towers 5K in September but it wasn’t timed). And with PRs in all the other distances this year (full, half and 10k) I’d love to complete a 5k (automatic PR for my first right?) So I can call 2013 the year of the PR.
Maybe it was being reunited with the runner’s high endorphins that I haven’t felt in almost 2 weeks, or the sunshine on my face but I felt so alive today. Mentally alive.
Yesterday was Globally Organized Hug A Runner Day. I made my boss hug me when I got to work. He’s a trooper!
Speaking of yesterday I discovered the most amazing Mike and Ikes
I could have eaten the whole box but brought it to a meeting and shared with some coworkers.
Tomorrow I’m attending a fundraising Gala for a local pet rescue. It’s called the Blue Gala and everyone has to wear blue. I’m excited because I have a great navy blue sparkly dress that I will wear. It’s going to be the 3rd time wearing the dress this year and since I got it on sale for $79 to begin with that breaks down to $26.33 per wear! =)
Question: What’s your favorite candy? What are your goals for 2014
P.S. here are a few cute pics from the Trenton Half 2 weeks ago. I’m on the fence whether to shell out the cash for them. It’s getting out of hand! Especially if I keep running so many races each year…
- in the zone!
- i can’t believe how much i sweat!
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