Hard to believe my last post was a whole week ago! I’m so sorry I feel like I’ve neglected y’all. My work life has become a bit crazy. I’m freelancing full time now and am juggling lots of projects. I took my laptop up to bed the other night and somewhere between 1am and 2am I fell asleep ON the laptop. Luckily there were a few snoring dogs (and maybe a snoring man too 😉 that woke me up. I finished up my work and met my deadline. But that’s the freelance life. Feast or famine. So I’m trying to take all assignments I can right now.

Let’s see….I’ll fill you in on some of the highlights of the last week:

July 1: I spent the beginning of the week freelancing on-site in Manhattan at Scholastic and enjoyed ferry ride commuting with my friend Lisa and decadent snacks from Dean & Deluca.

Honestly if you ever come visit NYC in the summer take a ride on the Staten Island Ferry before sunset. You won't regret it! And it's FREE!

Honestly if you ever come visit NYC in the summer take a ride on the Staten Island Ferry before sunset. You won’t regret it! And it’s FREE!

Coffee and a dark chocolate sea salt candy bar was the first of many treats. By the end of the week I moved up to gourmet donuts. (Not pictured because I inhaled the donut before I took a pic).

Coffee and a dark chocolate sea salt candy bar was the first of many treats. By the end of the week I moved up to gourmet donuts. (Not pictured because I inhaled the donut before I took a pic).

July 2: I realized that with working so much I hadn’t been for a run in a week! So I went out in the evening for a very much needed stress relieving run.

Evening run

Evening run


July 3: I went with Mr. SOTSS and his girls to their cousin’s 4th birthday party. It was a fun outdoor Frozen themed BBQ. The cake was homemade by the birthday girl’s grandma and boy oh boy was it good! Alternating lemon and strawberry cake layers with the perfect vanilla frosting in between. It was like eating a big cupcake.


The birthday girl's reaction to one of her gifts....she's not only super cute but she has the most adorable 4 year old voice.

I took a bunch of photos but this one of the birthday girl’s reaction to one of her gifts was my favorite of the day….she’s not only super cute but she has the most adorable 4 year old voice too.

July 4th: I ran a local 5 miler in the morning on Staten Island.

11221852_10206980954744023_5787009635830465407_oThere’s nothing like a local race…getting up an hour before, forking over a little cash and just running. I really didn’t even think about running until a few days before. I had run this race in 2011 and 2012 but forgot that there are some hills. There’s a super steep one between mile 1.5 and 1.75.

7-4-15-5milerI finished in 50:22 which is my slowest time on this course but not by much (and I wasn’t really trying to run fast so I’m ok with that.) In 2011 I finished in 49:10 and in 2012 50:09.

After the race I showered and changed and then headed to Mr. SOTSS’s house to dogsit for his boy Chester for a few hours. I had lots of freelance work to do so I took to the deck with a glass of wine and the pooches and enjoyed some fresh air while I got my work done.


I brought a yoga mat too so I could do some stretching and Chester took to it immediately…

Yoga mat = Dog bed

Yoga mat = Dog bed

Downward Dog

Downward Dog

After Chester-sitting, Duncan and I headed over to my sister-in-law’s for a bit. She was dog-sitting for Rylee who just so happens to be another labradoodle from the same breeder that my Duncan and her Casey are from. So we tried to get all 3 of them on the couch for an “Alumni” shot. Well, tried is the keyword.

doodle pallooza!

doodle pallooza! Duncan, Rylee and Casey (who is obviously so excited for this photo)

July 5th: Sunday Funday with Mr. SOTSS! We hiked for a couple of hours, enjoyed some more outdoor time relaxing on his deck, ran a few errands and then went for dinner and sat outside with our dogs at our feet.


We’re all kinds of happy these days

paw prints!

paw prints!

Duncan looks adorable in Mr. SOTSS treasured Rutgers hat

Duncan looks adorable in Mr. SOTSS treasured Rutgers hat

who let the dogs out?!!

who let the dogs out?!!

Chester was off hunting down a chipmunk. Thankfully the chipmunk escaped

Chester was off hunting down a chipmunk. Thankfully the chipmunk escaped

It's too hot. We'd like to go back in

It’s too hot. We’d like to go back in

I happen to love grilled chicken wraps and french fries. Maybe you could, you know....accidentally drop a piece or two of chicken or a fry?

I happen to love grilled chicken wraps and french fries. Maybe you could, you know….accidentally drop a piece or two of chicken or a fry?

It’s really beginning to feel like summer! Well, I’m off to start mapping out what my NYC Marathon training schedule will look like. I’m going away twice in August so I’ll have to get creative with my long runs on those weekends.

Hope you all had a great weekend.

What’s your favorite part of your home? 

I love my bedroom at my house and I love Mr. SOTSS’ outdoor space (yard/patio) best at his house

Random question: What is your favorite salad dressing

I love the greek dressing from Panera but last night at the restaurant we were at I had their house dressing which was a creamy balsamic vinaigrette and it was so good!


  1. Your dogs are darling! I have a chocolate lab too, but I’m pretty sure she would eat the yoga mat, not do downward facing dog on it!

  2. That is the best illustration of how to do a Downward Dog I have ever seen… I know what you mean about working on the laptop until the early hours.. I think I’m going to have to start setting a self imposed cut off time from working late on mine. I sit up way to late to be healthy..

    • Replying to your comment a little late but ironically i did the ole fall asleep on my laptop again last night. HA! Yeah, Chester really is a good at his “Doga”.

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