
I’m starting to think my posts don’t require a salutation anymore. Thoughts?

Before I start to unleash my NYC Marathon madness, I have a whole bunch of randomness to throw at you. Your welcome.

BOTTLE CAPS! We decorated the office for Halloween and my job was to fill this plastic cauldron with lots of candy including my favorite Willy Wonka Bottle Caps!

Crazy for cocoa puffs candy

Crazy for cocoa puffs candy

Willy Wonka = WINNING!

Willy Wonka = WINNING!

Of course I needed to keep the well-being of my coworkers top of mind and so I sampled each type of candy (actually if I’m being honest, 2 of each type. Or maybe it was 3. Don’t judge.) to make sure nothing had been tainted. In the process I made myself sick. Hey! I took one for the team. It’s my mothers fault. She never warned me you could eat too much candy.

BONE: Duncan couldn’t find a safe place to bury his bone this morning. This was what I said goodbye to when I left for work…

photo 1

BOOK: I am not a big book reader but saw Born to Run sitting on the table at my sister in laws house. I asked why she had it. Apparently my niece was required to read it for school. How cool is that? Anyway she said I could take it and so I did. Maybe I’ll dive into this after my races are over.



OK, now onto my marathon madness mind dump…Today was an exciting day for us NYC Marathon runners…Our race wave, corral and color info was made available to us.



This ended up being both good and bad. I was excited to learn I will be running on the upper level of the Verrazano bridge! (When I ran in 2011 I was on the lower level and my Garmin lost satellite.) But I was disappointed to learn I will be in the last wave that doesn’t start until 10:55am! With daylight savings the night before the marathon that means the sun should be setting at about 4:45pm. If I aim to finish in 5ish hours that’s cutting it close to crossing the finish line in the dark.

Now that the peak of my training has passed and I’m easing up the mileage, the madness in my mind has begun to emerge…What shirt will I wear? The one I wore for my first NYC Marathon?


Or the one I wore for the Philly Marathon?



What if it’s too warm for long sleeves? What will the weather be like? What time do I really need to get to the start village if I don’t start running until almost 11am? And speaking of that, how on earth will my body feel starting to run a marathon so late? I’ve trained for the last 4 months running super early in the morning. Maybe pinning my sport beans will work better than squishing them in my SpiBelt that I can’t ever unzip easily? AHHH!!!! This is not normal! It’s just a silly little 26.2 mile run with 50,000 other runners. Wait! Yes, this IS normal. It’s totally normal to get a little nuts worrying about it. I should know this by now. Remember, back in this post I discussed my status going from newbie to amateur-plus….


Question: Please tell me I’m not alone. Who else starts to get a bit crazed in the weeks leading up to their big race? Any Willy Wonka candy fans? 





  1. Your office decorations are sweet! And how sweet of you to sample the candy for quality… 😉 I made cookies for my office for tomorrow, I did the same required taste testing. =)

    “Born to Run” is a FANTASTIC read. Er, well, I listened to it on audiobook during my long runs. It’s a very good listen as well. Very engaging, I love the tone of it and the stories are incredible. You will love it.

    10:55 is an awfully late start time, I can see how that is nerve-racking! Definitely makes planning, and parking(?!) an issue. But you got this!! I LOVE both your shirts! I need one for NJ…in short sleeve. =)

  2. me me me, I always get a little crazy, with NYC Marathon and all others…but with NYC I always get the most stressed. Yes I get the stomach butterflies for every marathon, yet I don’t know why, I’ve done so many…BUT NYC is special. getting to the start is the most stressful of all. once there it’s just a fun picnic. oh and the finsh can be a bit annoying too…getting out of the park can take a while.

    The dream…. it has not failed yet…I always dream I miss the bus to the start and have to run there, but can only run slow and miss the starting gun.

    it is Important to get a good nights sleep the FRIDAY before the race…you will not sleep well Saturday, so make sure you sleep well Thursday and Friday. check the weather regularly… always a good idea to have a long sleeve shirt to wrap around your waist…I always get cold at the finish and it takes a while to get your stuff from baggage…wait do they have baggage?

    ha ha I dont think I was much help… Love you … you will be FINE…see you at mile 20.

  3. mmmm….bottlecaps.

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