How’s your little weekend going? Mine is going great!
First, before I tell you about my Holiday Windows Run I wanted to share a couple of cute dog pictures I took at the Pictures with Santa event at the dog park I volunteered at. I mentioned it in this post from last weekend.
And while I’m in picture show and tell mode…
Here are some pictures I took for my friend and her husband’s christmas card. Aren’t they the cutest couple? She wanted a little vintage/throwback look. She did all the styling herself. A bit of a fashionista. =)

This porch was full of charm from the arched windows to the hanging lantern style light and the weathered floor boards
OK, so now to bombard you with even more pictures I’ll tell you all about this morning’s Holiday Windows Run. (You can read about last year’s Holiday Windows Run here.) The alarm sounded at 4:15AM (OUCH!) and I was out the door by 5:15. But first, a selfie in the mirror of my car’s visor.
Drove over my favorite bridge…
Last year happened to be unseasonably warm. Not today! We were really cold! Mind you we stopped a heck of a lot so our average moving pace was probably more like a brisk walk so we never really warmed up. The good thing is that I didn’t get so ridiculously sweaty which meant no uncontrollable shivering once we were done and having breakfast =)
While waiting for the rest of the gang we started off admiring some Christmas balls (I couldn’t resist because sometimes I have to act like I’m 10)
Then it was off to our first viewing/photo op—one of 3 beautifully decorated trees.

The not so famous Bloomberg tree. But we love it. It’s still sort of dark when we get here because it’s always our first stop.
Then came some department store windows including Bloomingdales…

Bloomingdales 2014 windows. Notice the bear and the wall behind the Times’s Square ball are made out of bows. Kinda neat!
and my favorite windows of the day: Saks 5th Avenue…

Tracy lives in Florida but comes up to visit family this time of year so I literally see her this one time a year. And Mike is a very tall elf today =)
Barneys was pretty cool…

Barneys windows this year were designed by Baz Luhrmann the guy behind Moulin Rouge among other blockbusters
and Bergdorf Goodman…
Harry Winston for those who are interested in diamonds…
St Patricks Cathedral has been under scaffolding for a few years but this year we finally got a great shot of it newly refreshed and revealed.
And of course this day wouldn’t be complete without a stop at Rockafeller Center
And we also made a stop in Bryant Park…
All in all we covered somewhere between 6 and 7 miles.
And the we ate! The end =)
So do you like white lights or colored lights on a christmas tree?
If you could choose a theme for your tree what would it be?
Love your photos. Especially the “Christmas Balls”. My son who is 7 years old and I ran “The 12K’s of Christmas” in our city. It was an event for Toys for Tots. Had so much fun!
That’s great! I love innovative ways to make running part of the holidays. 12ks….genius!
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