OK, maybe I’m being a little dramatic, but lately I’ve actually enjoyed running on the treadmill (with the exception of that almost fainting episode of course).


I busted out 6 miles (which is close to the longest distance I’ve ever done on a treadmill. I think 7 is my max) and I felt strong the entire time. I focused on my form and kept looking straight ahead focusing on the exit sign above the doors at the entrance to the gym. It was like I was in a trance….in my zone….I kept to a 10min/mile pace for most of the run but added in a few short bursts in the in the 8:30min/mile range here and there just because I felt I was holding back. This was supposed to be an “as you feel” style run so I went with it and honestly it was awesome!

Remember a while back I mentioned in this post that I bought two pairs of my favorite brooks running capris on sale. Well they arrived and I wore one pair a whole lot already. But the second pair ripped on the seam as I was putting them on for the first time.


This is actually the second time I had a pair rip on the seam. The first pair ripped during the very beginning of a 20 mile run. I didn’t know at first until I felt burning and pain and looked down to see blood about 10 miles into the run. The rip was along the seam in the inner thigh and i ended up with major chub rub.



I emailed Brooks customer service and after submitting a claim with a pic they sent me a replacement pair. So I emailed them again for this pair and they are sending me a replacement for these as well. So happy. They stand behind their slogan “Run Happy”.

Meanwhile I randomly found this fortune on my desk at work yesterday.

photo 1

Not sure how it got there since I have never ordered chinese at work. But I think I’m going to follow along and relax the rest of today. I love my Thursdays off. =)

Question: Do you love or hate the treadmill? Do you eat fortune cookies or just break them open for the fortune and then toss the cookie?

Hi again!

Hope you’re all enjoying Superbowl Sunday in some way shape or form….earlier today I told you all about my fun day running with friends yesterday and I was on the fence about getting in my long run. I mean, I did just have a surgical procedure on Friday….but I felt fine running yesterday. so I decided not make excuses and got “suited up”.

It's Springish in February

It’s Springish in February

It was REALLY warm here today. We’re talking high 40s (might have actually hit 50). I decided to just get in a 2 hour run which would probably be about 10ish miles. 12 just seemed like too much. (go figure?).

photo 2

random graffiti. cute!

While I left the extra outer layer, buff, gloves and winter hat home, I did pile on some other accessories:

photo 3

Garmin watch, SpiBelt with Amphipod iPhone pouch (there was a pack of sport beans in the SpiBelt too), iPod Shuffle, keychain bracelet and handheld Amphipod water bottle. (white cap and sunglasses too!)

It’s been a while since I wore my SpiBelt and I have to say it was REALLY annoying me. The water bottle irked me too (yet that backpack yesterday didn’t bother me at all. Perhaps my mood needed some adjustment today). But I shuffled along and managed to complete 10.25 miles. I have to admit there was no runner’s high today. I enjoyed the weather and maybe 2 or 3 miles but then I just put myself on autopilot to “getterdone”. It’s ok. I never regret a run. Sometimes it’s just not all unicorns and rainbows.

Speaking of unicorns and rainbows….(well not really but it makes for a nice segue) here are a couple more pics from yesterday courtesy of Roger:


Roger’s wife and 2 running peeps Gary and Cindy (who just didn’t run yesterday) joined us for breakfast. The more the merrier.


Roger photobombed his own pic.

I want to give a shout out to my friend and loyal reader Valerie who ran a half marathon in the POURING RAIN today. She was soaked before the race even began. And she still pulled off a sub 2 hour finish time. Go Valerie!

Alrighty. I’m off to relax now and try not to get the Sunday Dreads šŸ™ Why can’t weekends be longer?

Question? What’s your favorite day of the week? Mine is Thursday. I am off on Thursdays. It always feels like a bonus. Anyone else watching the Puppy Bowl?

I’m a fan of sushi! Spicy Tuna rolls, California rolls, Boston rolls….yeah delish….but today I “ate it” on the sidewalk and rolled my ankle. #fail

spicy crunchy ankle roll

The Crunchy Ankle roll

Gratefully I caught myself quickly and am pretty sure I avoided any major damage. I ran 2 additional miles afterward and everything felt pretty good. Seriously, the entire park loop that I was running on was not only shoveled but super salted and totally dry yet this one little snowball just played a trick on me.

outdoor run

nice and easy 5 miles. nice and balmy 25 degrees.

I completed a nice easy 5 miles out in a balmy 25 degrees. Tomorrow I’m running 13.1 and it looks like the temp will be about 11 degrees, so today was a good check-in to see how many layers I’ll really need. I hate to overheat.

pre-run gear check. feels like the right amount of layers. let's give it a whirl...

pre-run gear check. feels like the right amount of layers. let’s give it a whirl…

snow makes everything looks so peaceful

snow makes everything looks so peaceful

I’ve made some progress getting some of the rooms back in order since having my house painted. Will post some before and after pics tomorrow.

And now I better go accomplish something OTHER than running and blogging.


Question: Ever ALMOST injure yourself but somehow manage to come out unscathed? Tell me about it?Ā 

Well I’ve made it to day 4 of house painting week. It’s been fairly smooth except for things like planning to move my coat, duncan’s leash and my car keys out of the room that was being painted. I had to dig under some drop clothes and squeeze my fingers over my piano to retrieve the leash and keys and never did get access to my coat. It’s really starting to feel a lot like that movie Groundhogs Day. Ever see that movie? One of my favorites =)

Even my morning run felt a bit like the same old same old.


I ran 4 miles, same 4 mile route around the neighborhood. It was drizzling but not too cold. Felt good, but boring. I must try out some new routes soon. But…..I’m really getting comfortable in my Brooks Ghosts!

Brooks Ghost 6's

They’re keepers….I threw out the box. No turning back!

Speaking of Brooks, I found out from someone’s tweet (can’t remember who tweeted about it) that Brooks was having a clearance sale yesterday. I immediately jumped onto their site to order a couple of pairs of my favorite running capris, but I got distracted before completing the purchase and at the end of the day when I went back they didn’t have all black in medium so I bought these two that have some color accents. (my confirmation email seems to have disappeared so I hope I really ordered them!)


I have lots of summer weather running tank tops in hot pink and my favorite columbia running jacket AND my sneakers match the other pair.Ā For $42 a pair (regularly $65) and FREE shipping I am quite satisfied. I swear these are the best capris ever. =)

Speaking of Groundhogs Day, it’s only 17 days away. I’m so curious to see if the little bugger sees his shadow. Well I’m exhausted. One more day of house painting craziness and then I’ll be spending Saturday, Sunday and Monday cleaning and re-decorating each and every room…I’m tired just thinking about that. And soon I’ll share some before and after pics.

Hope y’all have a great weekend.

Question: What are your favorite running capris? Do you care if your running outfits match or not? Who else hates dusting?