So I had planned on a lovely “recap of 2014” post.
I had also planned on a “running resolutions for 2015” post.
And I also wanted to do an “update on my knee and my plans for marathon training” post.
But my entire life got in the way.

Doodlebug vet visit #1
It started Monday with Duncan not feeling well. It turned into the worst illness I have ever experienced with him. Mostly a stomach bug of some sort that made him vomit and have the runs (with blood out both ends! 🙁 but as he started to feel better after a couple of doses of the antibiotic I noticed he was itchy and uncomfortable and couldn’t settle. We were basically up all night last night. So we returned to the vet today and they took him off the antibiotic and started him on some benedryl.

Apparently I’m allergic to the antibiotic I was on
Sheesh! All I know is that I hope we both sleep peacefully tonight. Anyhoo that’s where my focus has been the last 5 days. Well, that and a little New Year’s Eve celebrating with Mr. SOTSS and New Year’s Day visit with my dear aunt who lives in Brooklyn.

New Dearfoam slippers to ring in the new year!

our essentials…a little pink champagne and a DIY project that I made him do with me. He was a good sport and obliged.

New Year’s Day sunset as I drove home from my aunt’s house in Brooklyn
I hope you all have eased into the new year happy and healthy.
So while you wait for my 2014 highlights post why don’t you share some of yours? What were the top 3 highlights of your year?
Poor Duncan! Hope he’s feeling better!
One of the best parts of my 2014 was having my mom and boyfriend at my last half marathon – I’m usually on my own at races, so it was fun to have people there cheering me on! 🙂 Plus it was a new PR, so it was a pretty good day overall!
Nothing better than having support spectators at a race. And they got to see you PR too! Woo Hoo! Happy New Year!