Yesterday my best friend turned 5!

made him wear his “party animal” birthday hat and then rewarded him with cupcake doggie cookies and a doggie sausage and while not pictured I shared my scrambled eggs with him too! #luckydog
It rained all day AND I had to work so there were only indoor treats..but today he and I went for a nice long walk. Before that though, I decided to go for a run. I am sort of bored with my neighborhood routes and was feeling a little pre-christmas funk so I went to the beach.
I ran a total of 4 miles: 2 at a normalish pace on the gravel trails, 1 at a slow pace but hard effort on the soft sand on the beach and the last mile I pushed myself for one mile at an all out pace of 8:35. I would love to run a 5k and hit 27 minutes. That’s one of my goals for 2014. (currently i’m at 28:30 or 29 minutes for 5k).
It was chilly but sunny and really just what I needed to find my happy…
So that’s that! I better go get ready….I’m headed out soon for my holiday festivities.
Happy Holidays to you and thanks so much for coming by to read my lil’ blog!
Question: What are you looking forward to tonight? Cookies? Egg Nog? Family? Presents? My sister-in-law told me she made rice balls with prosciutto….yep! that’s what I’m looking forward to =)
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