Sometimes it just makes sense to get the long run out of the way on a Friday so the weekend can be uninterrupted. I’m lucky to have the flexibility in my schedule right now. And today while Mr. SOTSS is getting his long run in, I’ll be chilling back at the house with his 10-year old. Teamwork!
I didn’t have it in me to do a long run in the neighborhood again so I took it to the beach and ran along the pretty trails alongside the ocean and through other parts of the national park area.
I love living on a coast.
quiet, secret trails
The weather was gorgeous. Bright blue skies and about 59 degrees. I started out a little too fast for a long run but it caught up with me. I did however bust out my fastest mile in the last mile for the win!
And here’s a great shot AND an outtake from my timer-camera pit-stop about midway into the run.
successful timer-camera action (and when do i retire this shirt? I’ve been wearing it for 3 years now! I get so attached to my marathon finisher’s shirts)
Unsuccessful timer-camera shot. LOL!
And no, unfortunately (or fortunately) I’m not the one with the long legs….Duncan is:
I need your help.
My running capris are getting really worn and I’m going to have to replace them soon. The ones in the pics above are not made anymore. They were the Brooks Essential Capri. Who’s got suggestions for good running capris?
They need to stay up,
not unravel along the seams,
have a zipper pocket in the back,
be closer to compression gear but not that tight and not come too far below my knee.
What’s the weather like by you this weekend? Ever do your long run on a Friday?
And since my commute home from work Friday evening was quick, I took the doodle to the park for a nice walk to wind down after a busy week.
Saturday morning I woke up depressed. Just didn’t feel like leaving the couch. Not sure why. Apparently post-marathon blues are real.
Duncan was depressed too
I finally got myself together to go for my first post-marathon run but…
…when I started the car my check engine light came on!
annoying engine light
I drove to the beach and had a really nice run anyway. I ran about 1 of the 4 miles in the sand. I listened to some music (loving that Sara Bareilles song Brave!) and cried a little and felt so much better.
first run after marathon
Just as I was nearing the end of my run I could feel the same soreness on the outside of my foot that I felt right after finishing the marathon last weekend. I had assumed that the soreness was just from the sneaker being tied to tight perhaps and after almost 5 hours straight of running that it got a bit sore. But when the same soreness returned for this run I had a big epiphany that this was tendonitis of the Peroneal Tendon (the Peroneus Brevis to be exact). Yes, I’m self-diagnosing. I had an ankle sprain in the summer of 2011 (during the Warrior Dash) and had a rough time giving it time to heal and still train for my first marathon (NYC Marathon in November of 2011). Needless to say I made it through the marathon but didn’t go seek treatment for the injury until 2012. Eventually after physical therapy and acupuncture I recovered. The ankle sprain caused the Peroneal Tendons to be inflamed. Well, since then, this has been a chronic issue when my mileage gets high. But usually I feel the discomfort at the top of the tendon (behind ankle bone). So it didn’t connect right away that this was the same tendon until I went online and looked at this diagram.
I highlighted the area that hurts (photo source:
The peroneus brevis attaches to the 5th metatarsal which is exactly where my foot hurts. So I have been icing it and taking Ibuprofen and hopefully another week of no running will be enough to let it heal. I’ve got a 5K next weekend and then a half marathon the week after, not to mention lots of long runs between now and July as well so I really want to make sure I’m healed and healthy!!!!.
Irritated my peroneus brevis – icing like a champ
I stopped for this yummy iced caramel latte after the run.
my favorite
While I was resting the ankle I decided to color my hair. I always go for red but today I chose a new shade called Garnet Red and I LOVE IT!
garnet hair don’t care-and yes those are rain drops on the shirt to the left. luckily it was just a quick passing sprinkle
Apparently the backs of my legs (from where my capris end and my socks begin) got a little sun during the marathon last weekend. It looks like dirt! LOL!
note to self: put sunscreen on the backs of your legs too!
Tomorrow my niece turns 14 and tonight we went out to celebrate at her favorite sushi restaurant.
The birthday girl’s dessert…Raspberry and Chocolate sauce was used to make the cherry blossom design on the plate. She was so excited for the Polaroid camera she asked for. So retro! =)
Happy Birthday Niece!!!!!
Last year the NJ Marathon fell on her birthday and she was the trooper and came to support me on the course anyway. While she likes running she doesn’t like to go farther than a mile. She’s more of a basketball girl….but I still haven’t given up on getting her to run a 5K with me someday. Oh yeah, we had dessert back at the house. I tried a chocolate chip ice cream cone. Hello! It was awesome.
ice cream!!!!!
My friend picked me up this bottle of wine just because he thought i’d like the bottle. Thanks! I love Riesling!
Tomorrow is Monday 🙁
Question: What were some of your highs and lows this weekend.
made him wear his “party animal” birthday hat and then rewarded him with cupcake doggie cookies and a doggie sausage and while not pictured I shared my scrambled eggs with him too! #luckydog
It rained all day AND I had to work so there were only indoor treats..but today he and I went for a nice long walk. Before that though, I decided to go for a run. I am sort of bored with my neighborhood routes and was feeling a little pre-christmas funk so I went to the beach.
I ran a total of 4 miles: 2 at a normalish pace on the gravel trails, 1 at a slow pace but hard effort on the soft sand on the beach and the last mile I pushed myself for one mile at an all out pace of 8:35. I would love to run a 5k and hit 27 minutes. That’s one of my goals for 2014. (currently i’m at 28:30 or 29 minutes for 5k).
It was chilly but sunny and really just what I needed to find my happy…
So that’s that! I better go get ready….I’m headed out soon for my holiday festivities.
Happy Holidays to you and thanks so much for coming by to read my lil’ blog!
Question: What are you looking forward to tonight? Cookies? Egg Nog? Family? Presents? My sister-in-law told me she made rice balls with prosciutto….yep! that’s what I’m looking forward to =)
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