This morning I finally tackled the closet and drawer cleaning in my bedroom. I filled an entire garbage bag with old worn out socks, shirts (mostly cotton race t-shirts), and pajamas. I also filled a second bag with clothes to give to Goodwill. Sayonara! See ya! So long! Boy did that feel good!
I treated myself to a celebratory breakfast. Nothing says, celebratory clean closet more than bacon and eggs (i even added some sauteed onions and celery)
Then I took the dog for a 2 mile walk in the woods. We’ve been doing that a lot lately. It’s one of my favorite ways to relax and sweat out the small stuff.
I dilly dallied for a bit and then got a phone call from my friend. But as soon as I hung up with her I got ready to go for a run.

my “karate kid meets marathon runner” look…Sally Miyagi. not a flattering look. (note to self: stick to black buffs or maybe just wear a hat)
It was already 3:30 and the sun sets here now about 4:30. I didn’t have a specific distance I wanted to cover but I did want to get home before it was pitch dark. So I stopped my watch at 5 miles and then walked about 10 minutes longer to cool down.
Most of my route was on the pavement but I finished the last 1/4 mile on a foot trail right near my house. Saw a few interesting things along the way.

Left to right: 1) Looks like a fellow NYC Marathoner runs the same route as me and they lost a glove. Notice the 5 borough fingers? 2) I like the name of the contractor because I think running is cool. 3) Anyone need some honey? Bee’s nest free to good home.

last 1/4 mile in the woods. I like me some criss crossed branches. I think I scared some wild life with my yellow forehead.
After coming back from my run I’ve basically been snacking and couch surfing. Something about fleece loungewear that just makes you feel all loungy. It’s been nice to have some downtime without having to be anywhere. No time restraints. I feel a little lazy but then I think about all running around I’ve done this year and frankly lazy is just fine this weekend. I’m not ready yet to brave the stores for holiday shopping or to put up my tree and decorate but perhaps next weekend I’ll get the ball rolling.
4 day weekends rock….I’m already breaking a sweat at the thought of returning to work tomorrow.
Question: When do you start decorating for the holidays? Did you enjoy your Thanksgiving?
My hubby & I are moving so we are downsizing, purging, donating, & selling so much stuff…and it feels wonderful! I swear, you never know how much “stuff” you have and don’t need until you move. We are hiring movers and the more your stuff weighs, the more more you pay! So our goal is to downsize and when you sit back back and look at your stuff it’s amazing how much “stuff” you have and don’t need. You are right, it feels great! Also, that is a wasp’s nest you found, not a bee’s nest. Yes, they are different. My husband is an Entomologist and I have just earned my nerd card. Dammit……. 🙂
Nothing like a move to make the purge that much easier! Doesn’t it feel wonderful?! Thanks for telling me about the nest!