Hello and happy Thursday!

Let’s start with a little #tbt

Who knits at 7? And am I really wearing a satin blouse and white stockings?

I took Duncan to the park for a nice walk and we enjoyed the cool 70s temperatures at 7am! Much better than the 81 that it was yesterday.

We snuck into the kids playground area. Shh!

wanna play tic-tac-toe?

wanna play tic-tac-toe?

Duncan was so chill in the car on the way back.

thanks for taking me for an adventure today ma!

thanks for taking me for an adventure today ma!

By 8am we were back and I changed into workout attire and headed to the beach for my bike ride.

photo copy


splits were fairly even

splits were fairly even

It was a really strong ride. I love riding on the access road that goes from the main road to the beach parking lots. Very few cars are on it at any given time (especially non-weekend days) and it’s fairly flat. Each loop of the access road gets me just about 3 1/2 miles. I can keep a consistent speed and pedal throughout keeping the gear locked in at 5 (out of 7).

Well just before I wrapped up the ride I stopped to take a minute and enjoy the view of the ocean and then grab a picture for the blog.

said picture (which almost cost me $80!)

said picture (which almost cost me $80!)

I propped the phone (in just a slim case that I use when I put it into the bigger zipper phone case that straps on the bike.) on a ledge and set the timer camera. It snapped my photo and just as I was about to retrieve the phone the wind picked up and boom….in 2 seconds flat my phone was shattered. After 7 years of owning an iPhone this was the first shattered glass incident. Bummer!



Well, I cried on the inside like a loser pulled it together and stayed calm and just rode back to my car wrapping up a pretty solid ride.todaysride

I made an appointment at the Genius Bar for 12:30 figuring after I’d go straight to physical therapy. Well I sure lucked out. At first the “genius” told me it was going to be a $79 deductible to replace the phone (I have Applecare insurance). But after going through the entire process the system never prompted him for payment info. So he basically smiled and said it was my lucky day. No prob! #dontaskdonttell!


Reminds me of that IKEA commercial where the woman comes running out of the store screaming “start the car!” because she thinks they rang her up wrong because it was so cheap.

Next up was PT…I couldn’t believe the head doctor actually remembered me from when I was there back in 2012!


PT selfie

PT selfie…damn i had a good hair day today =)

The therapist that evaluated and worked with me today did some real eye-opening manipulations and tests. We discovered that my left hip is VERY weak compared to my right. And most of my pain when she was deeply massaging was up the calf on the outside. There was almost no pain in the part of my foot where the tendonitis has been plaguing me. I’m healing well but until I loosen the tight calf muscle and strengthen my hip I’ll be prone to this tendonitis BS. Also, I need to try and limit running on the roads. The biggest culprit is that the road slopes for water runoff and I’m always running against traffic meaning my left leg is always lower than my right causing the weak hip, leg and foot! To help alleviate this I’m going to replace my Thursday road runs to the path at the beach that is flat loose gravel. No sloping and not as hard as asphalt. And maybe even keep my shorter Tuesday speed and interval workouts on the treadmill like I did during the winter months. That just leaves my long run subject to the road slope. (Of course this is all once I actually get back to running with a training plan in the next couple of weeks.)

electro therapy with heat....yes please!

electro therapy with heat….yes please!

After a great deep tissue massage and electro therapy, she had me do 10 minutes of balance/strength building on the wobble board. And then she gave me a few specific strength and stretching exercises to do at home for my hips, my calves and outside of my foot. I’m going back on Monday for another sesh.

Meanwhile it’s 9:30pm and I forgot to eat dinner! Say what?! #MustGoRaidTheFridgeASAP

Question: Have you ever been to physical therapy? Do you have a wobble board at home? Have you ever shattered your smartphone?

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