Hello and Happy Tuesday.

The sun finally came out on Saturday and I quickly went for a run. IMG_2755After 7 days straight of rain, I was giddy!. On Sunday, Mr. SOTSS and I went over to my family’s house for some Mother’s Day and birthday party festivities. My niece turned 16 on Thursday but we had her cake on Sunday.IMG_2757

Later in the afternoon we took the dogs to the beach for a little fun in the sun at Dog Beach which is in Asbury Park (it’s also about mile 20 along the NJ Marathon course!)

the boys

the boys



Chester Mc. Chesterson

Chester Mc. Chesterson

I started my new job yesterday and so far so good although I’m a little unsure about the fact that I’ll be using a PC and not a Mac.



I’ve been using a Mac since 1994! I’m a Mac girl through and through. Between driving to work and sitting all day I only had 3,000 steps by 6pm when I got home so I took Duncan for a stroll around the ‘hood and still only ended up with 6,200 steps….well under the 10,000 that I strive for daily. I did however drink plenty of water from this nifty water bottle my sister-in-law gave me. It keeps cold liquid cold for 24 hours and hot for 12 hours and it doesn’t form condensation on the outside so I can shove it in my purse!IMG_2779

There’s a park 2 miles from the office so I’m going to leave sneakers in the car and go for a brisk walk at lunch when I can to help. And as soon as I get better with waking up to an alarm clock again I’ll try and run or walk longer with the dog a couple of mornings a week before work too.

I came home and indulged in some leftover pizza and wine and then Duncan assumed his position.IMG_2783 IMG_2786

I’m just about ready to walk out the door for day 2 and duncan is giving me his pitiful look. He kills me!

So pitiful

So pitiful

Hope you have a great week!

What did you have for dinner last night?
On a scale of 1-10 what do you rate pizza?

1 Comment

  1. That cake looks real!! Duncan’s stare kills me too! They sure know how to make us feel guilty..! Hope you’re settling in nicely. The first days are so nerve racking.

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