OK, so no tigers….just heavy legs and side stitches.

I really am losing faith in my running abilities lately. Every run sucks more than the last. I’m constantly feeling like I can’t get my legs off the ground and today during my 10 miler I had another side stitch that lasted for about 4 miles. I’m trying to remember the last run that I had that I was actually feeling good and happy. My friend posted this and I can totally relate except that I haven’t felt #1 much.

11986311_1036368506395806_5252700706457054723_nSo I got my 10 miles done but there were a few complete stops that I paused the Garmin for so I was really slower than this. Sheesh!

IMG_8047I want to run my 17 miler next weekend with my running peeps but I’m afraid they’ll leave me in the dust. Perhaps I can turn this around. Maybe I need a little extra sleep? Maybe it’s the darn humidity? Maybe I’m dying of some disease being dramatic?

OK ’nuff bitchin’…

At least I got to get excited when I ran under the Verrazano Bridge. I love that bridge. And I’m hoping to be on the upper level come marathon day.


Oh, and my friend Lisa made her mom a birthday cake and saved me a piece. It’s lemon with raspberry filling and a lemon buttercream frosting. So good!IMG_8023

And now I’m headed out to a concert with my brother! A little sibling bonding. Have a great rest of your weekend…..

What is your side-stitch remedy?

Favorite cake flavor?