Never thought today would be the Friday I decided to coin this post title. You see, this morning I had to go in for an ambulatory surgical procedure. Let’s just say something needed to be removed because it didn’t belong. I had been anxious about this date for weeks now. Not so much because I was nervous about being in pain but I was afraid the doc would restrict my running for at least the next few days. 🙂 Just before the anesthesiologist sent me to LaLaLand, I said “So wait, can I run tomorrow? Like 6-10 miles? I’m scheduled to meet my friends and I don’t want to bail.” He smiled and said absolutely, as long as you take it easy today.” Whew!



Everything went well and I was wheeled out still a bit dopey (I actually felt drunk). My good friend knew I was starving since I couldn’t eat anything in the morning so he took me to IHOP (I was just there yesterday! No prob, I can take one for the team and eat pancakes again!)

photo 1

this time I went with only 2 pancakes and added eggs and bacon =)

I was actually shocked at how good I felt so I pushed it and asked if we could go take a look in IKEA. Glad it worked out because I scored!

photo 2

a cart full of goodies!

I got a new night table for my bedroom and a new bookcase for my living room. I relaxed the rest of today and slowly assembled both pieces.

photo 5

Billy on the left and Hemnes on the right. My favorite part of Ikea is the names of the furniture pieces

So, yes, I feel good! It’s officially FGF!

Tomorrow as I said, I’m meeting some of my running peeps for a run in the city. They’re doing about 11ish but I figured I shouldn’t push it so I’m jumping in around mile 5. That’ll give me 6 which I think is a good compromise.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Question: Superbowl? Do you care? Not so much? Are you in a football pool? Interested in the commercials? Going anywhere? What’s the menu gonna be?

1 Comment

  1. You went to Ikea without me?!!! I LOVE Ikea. If it was safe to run in Elizabeth, I’d say we meet there and run, lol. We can just run through the Garden State Plaza Mall, that’s a circle (aka track), right? 😉

    Glad to hear all went well and you’re able to have a fun run tomorrow!

    And to your Question: Superbowl? Yes. Do you care? Not so much? Sure. Are you in a football pool? Yes, I can’t remember the rules though… 😉 Interested in the commercials? Definitely. Going anywhere? Nope. What’s the menu gonna be? Vegetarian chili, guacamole and chips, hummus and veggies. =)

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